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Hi, I'm Iljitsch van Beijnum. These are posts about retrocomputing and other old stuff.

The Commander X16 (and some more BASICODE)

The Commander X16 is an upcoming new Commodore 64 like 8-bit computer built from currently available parts, as explained in Youtube playlist. After watching some of the more recent videos, I decided to download the emulator... and tried out some BASICODE on it.

Full article / permalink - posted 2021-05-30

Zevencijferige telefoonnummers in Rotterdam, Den Haag, Amsterdam

Ik kwam laatst een oude kaart van Den Haag tegen en ik vroeg me af van wanneer die was. Er stond geen jaartal op. Wel viel me op dat de telefoonnummers die erop stonden maar zes cijfers hadden, dus van voor dat alle Haagse telefoonnummers er een 3 bij kregen. Maar wanneer was dat? Het lukte mij niet deze info terug te vinden via Wikipedia of Google...

Volledig artikel / permalink - geplaatst 2021-05-13

A new life for the 2003 Apple Wireless Keyboard

Back in 2003, Apple released the Apple Wireless Keyboard:

(Not to be confused with later keyboards of the same name that look like laptop keyboards.)

The keyboard still works with an ancient MacBook Pro, but it won't pair with anything from the 2010s. That's too bad, because I think it looks pretty nice. So I decided to see if I could bring its essence into the 2020s by transplanting the keycaps to my Drop CTRL keyboard.

Full article / permalink - posted 2021-03-05

The evolution of computer keyboards since 1980

It's interesting to see how much has stayed the same over 40 years, and also how some keys have been moved around, as well as the differences between Apple's keyboards and the standard PC keyboard.

So I drew the layout of 18 keyboards to easily compare IBM, Apple, Digital, Sun, Amiga, Atari and third party keyboards over the years.

Permalink - posted 2020-12-17

Amiga short takes: upgrading my Amiga 1200

Upgrading my Amiga 1200: 68060 CPU, memory, a new power supply, a CF card as the HDD, but mostly networking and trying different ways to get a wireless mouse to work with the Amiga, eventually succeeding with the RapidRoad USB adapter.

Read the article - posted 2020-11-01

Update: autobooting a superkickstart Amiga 3000 from the Buddha IDE card

Last week, I wrote about upgrading my Amiga 3000, where I mentioned that the Amiga 3000's boot ROMs don't recognize the Buddha card. Turns out, that can be fixed.

Full article / permalink - posted 2020-10-31

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